Official Nebraska Government Website
Official Nebraska Government Website
Nebraska State Electrical Division

Verification for Electrical Wiring Permits

Please read the following statements very carefully. By clicking on the "I Understand and Agree" button below, you certify that you have read and understand all the statements on this page.

  1. You must be the owner of the SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING located on the residential property for which you are applying for this permit.
  2. You must live in the single-family dwelling located on the residential property for which you are applying for an electrical permit, and it is your principal residence.
  3. You must be the person doing the electrical wiring, without compensation or pay from, or to, any other person.
  4. By accepting this statement, you agree that you have sufficient knowledge of National Electrical Code requirements to make an electrically safe and mechanically secure installation which will meet the minimum standards of that Code edition referenced in Nebraska Revised Statute 81-2104(5).
  5. You are aware that a separate permit is required for a temporary service pole installed for construction power to remodel an existing dwelling. The system will provide you with a separate permit in the event that one is necessary, however this will result in two sets of fees.
  6. You are aware that an inspection is required before any wiring is concealed behind walls, floors, ceilings, or earth, and final inspection is required at the completion of the project.
  7. You will call the State Electrical Inspector whose name and telephone number is on the permit copy to schedule an inspection. You are also aware that it is not the Inspector's job or duty to be your instructor in electrical wiring.
  8. You are aware that Nebraska Revised Statute 81-2143 makes it a Class I misdemeanor to make a false statement on a request for an inspection.

Please review our Homeowner Handout here before proceeding to the next section.

Once you have read and understand the above statements, if you still wish to continue with this process and certify that you have read and understand the above, click the "I Understand and Agree" button below. Otherwise to exit the system now, please use the "I Do Not Agree" button.