Active Nebraska Motor Fuels Licensees - Last Updated: Tue Mar 25 07:39:09 2025
What Is It?
This section contains a listing of those business entities licensed to purchase motor fuels tax free.
What Do I Need This For?
You will need to be aware of the fuel type they are licensed to purchase, as well as their FEIN for completing your tax return schedules.
You are reminded that although licensed to purchase tax-free fuel, the number of times fuel may be sold tax-free is limited. The first distributor or importer may transfer the tax liability to another licensed distributor or wholesaler; however, the tax liability may only be transferred one time.
How Do I Search?
You can either perform a search for a specific individual here in the listings, or you can download the full listing of all the filers. The full listing is in Tab Delimited text format, which facilitates easy loads into both database and spreadsheet programs.