Nebraska Secretary of State

Corporate Records Special Request Form

Secretary of State Corporate Record Information can be retrieved with this special request service provided by Information provided is from the official records of the Nebraska Secretary of State, but the service is being provided by a third party. Please do not contact the Secretary of State with questions regarding this service. Select your search criteria, click on the Search button and you will be given the number of records found and cost for purchase. The report will include entity type, date registered or incorporated, keyword(s) in name, and/or location. Records search for registered agents in a specific location are also available. Cost for batch requests of Secretary of State business entity requests is $15 per 1000 records (Nebraska Revised Statutes 33-101). If you choose to complete the purchase, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express are all accepted for payment. You will then download the file from the receipt page.

If you would like to receive batch files of corporate records to your specifications on an on-going, scheduled basis (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) you will need to become a subscriber


Select the type of search you would like to perform

Business Entity Type - at least one selection is required

Any entity type with a designation of 'Professional' is used to refer to one of the following: real estate salespersons or associate brokers; certified public accountants; those engaged in the practice of engineering, architecture, and/or law; or services licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Date Registered
You may narrow your search by entering a date range for the date the entity types selected above filed to register with the Secretary of State.

You may narrow your search by entering keywords that you would like to search for as part of the entity name separated by semi-colons. e.g. condo; condominium; townhome


You may narrow your search by entering a city or one or more zip codes separated by semi-colons to be matched against the office address of the entity types selected above.

  When you submit your search, you will be given the total number of records found, along with the cost for download. You can then initiate your purchase.
You may search for records of registered agents by location.
Search By:

You may search by entering a single city name or one or more zip codes separated by semi-colons to be matched against the registered agent's address.

  When you submit your search, you will be given the total number of records found, along with the cost for download. You can then initiate your purchase.