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Official Nebraska Government Website
Nebraska Supreme Court

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Please Note: Case Type and County Number (not County Name) are included in the Case Number listed below for each case.

Search results

Party Name ( party type ) Case Number green demo tip icon Caption Judge Attorney  
CARZ DEALERZ ( PLF ) C 02 CI 09 0016975 Cars, LLC v. Rob Roberts Smith,Bob, Unknown or None Assigned
ABC BODY SHOP ( PLF ) C 02 CI 09 0013976 Company, LLC v. Bill Williams James,John, Unknown or None Assigned
XYZ Construction ( PLF ) C 02 CI 09 0013979 ABC Store v. Sally Smith Doe,Jane, Unknown or None Assigned
$$$ CHECK CASHING ( PLF ) C 02 CI 07 0013882 Finance, LLC v. John W Doe Strong,Susan, Unknown or None Assigned
XYZ BANK ( ASN ) C 02 CI 09 0007876 ACME v. Jane Doe Johnson,John, Unknown or None Assigned
COMPANY ABC ( PLF ) C 02 CI 09 0017441 ACME Company v. Doe, John Doe, Jane,