Official Nebraska Government Website
Official Nebraska Government Website
Nebraska Department of Revenue

Canceled Motor Fuels Licensees - Last Updated: Fri Jun 28 10:52:25 2024

What Is It?

This section contains a listing of those business entities who have relinquished their ability to purchase motor fuel.

What Do I Need This For?

This information is provided so you may be aware of any people to whom a tax-free sale of motor fuel will subject you to tax, interest and penalties.

How Do I Search?

You can either perform a search for a specific individual here in the listings, or you can download the full listing of all the filers. The full listing is in Tab Delimited text format, which facilitates easy loads into both database and spreadsheet programs.

Online Search

To perform a search of the system, please enter the name or FEIN number of the business entity you wish to view. If you enter both, the FEIN will be used by default. To perform the search, click the "Search" button after you have entered your search data.


To download the Tab Delimited text file of all filers, click on the button below. If your browser does not automatically download this file, but displays in the window instead, you can simply choose File->Save from your web browser menu to save the file to your computer.